
Our mission is to revolutionise the home building experience by creating airtight, energy efficient homes that are smart, efficient and healthier for families

Zelena Homes  Silverwattle
Zelena Homes  Silverwattle

There is a common misconception surrounding energy-efficient homes, with many believing they come with a hefty investment. However, we are here to dispel that notion.

At the core of our philosophy lies the belief that a healthier home directly contributes to a better quality of life. By incorporating greener technologies, we enhance thermal comfort, providing a living space that is not only more environmentally friendly but also incredibly comfortable for your family.

We firmly believe that access to healthier home’s shouldn't be a luxury but a right for everyone. That's why we prioritise fundamental design principles such as passive solar design, thermal mass, insulation, air tightness, heat recovery ventilation systems, and glazing. These elements work together harmoniously, reducing energy consumption, and contributing to your family's overall well-being.

Our approach focuses on making energy-efficient homes a reality for all, without breaking the bank. So you can rest assured that living in an eco-friendly, comfortable, and health-promoting home is well within reach for you and your loved ones.

Building Green Living Clean

healthier homes for the future

Building Green Living Clean healthier homes for the future

Our Design Principles

All Electric

By embracing an all-electric approach, the home can become more sustainable and future-proof. Utilising renewable energy sources to power the electrical systems can significantly reduce the home's carbon footprint and dependence on fossil fuels.

& Learning

We are always on a journey of learning and growth. Our quest for knowledge in energy-efficient products and creating healthier homes drives us forward. Moreover, we are passionate about sharing our expertise with our clients throughout the building process, empowering them to stay informed and make well-informed decisions about their home's future.


Integrating thermal mass elements like concrete floors or walls helps to stabilise indoor temperatures. They absorb and store heat during the day and release it slowly at night, contributing to a more even and comfortable indoor environment.

Air Quality

A well-ventilated home with controlled humidity levels and efficient filtration systems ensures healthier indoor air quality, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and promoting overall well-being for the occupants.


The use of a vapour permeable membrane allows moisture to escape from the building while still preventing water from entering. This helps to prevent condensation, mould growth, and other issues associated with poor ventilation.

& Longevity

High-performance homes are built to last. With the right materials and construction techniques, they can withstand the test of time, requiring less maintenance and lowering long-term costs.


Up to 40% of a home's heating energy can be lost and a staggering 87% of its heat gained through windows. The thermal performance of your glazing depends on how the glass and frames of the windows transmit heat from direct sunlight. As a builder, we want more than standard windows, we want them to meet higher performance requirements, be energy efficient and durable but at the same time to be aesthetically pleasing. We like to use uPVC windows & doors where possible because they provide excellent thermal insulation and reduce heat transfer through windows.

Solar Design

A key aspect of high-performance homes is their ability to maximise natural light and harness the sun's energy for heating and lighting. By strategically orienting the building, placing windows thoughtfully, and using shading devices like overhangs, we can optimise solar gain and minimise the need for artificial lighting during the day.


Continuous insulation and airtight construction are crucial for reducing energy loss and ensuring that the home maintains a comfortable temperature with minimal energy consumption. We wrap our homes airtight! Why? Because uncontrolled airflow through the building structure reduces the efficiency of the insulation. Air leaks cause 15-25% of winter heat loss in buildings (CSIRO). Ensuring air tightness gives you the ability to maintain the same indoor temperature, saving you on energy costs.

Zelena Homes  Salt Estate

At Zelena Homes, you are not just investing in a place to live; you are joining a movement for change in the building industry.

With our pursuit of knowledge, we have completed the Healthy Homes Masterminds course, equipping us with even more knowledge and tools to build homes that prioritise your well-being.

Embracing a healthier, more affordable, and energy-efficient future for you and your family. Together, we can make a lasting impact, one home at a time.