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  • Healthy homes are like a breath of fresh air. The airtight construction eliminates any leaks that allow poor air flow to the home. By using a mechanical heat recovery ventilation system in conjunction with our design principles, we are effectively providing the home with clean, fresh filtered air 24/7

  • We believe that if you get us on board in the initial design phase, we can build your home for the same cost as any other equivalent custom home built to the current building code. We are not volume builders so our rates cannot be compared, but if you want a home that is energy efficient, provides good thermal comfort and is a quality build, then we are YOUR builder.

  • A thermal bridge occurs in areas that are poorly insulated, it is a weak point in the building envelope which allows heat to pass through easily. Thermal bridges can increase the risk of condensation on internal surfaces. Condensation forms when the interior temperature dips below the dew point and moisture in warm air condenses into water droplets on cooler surfaces. The biggest effect of condensation is mould growth. Mould will cause indoor air quality problems and negative health impacts for homeowners.

Zelena Homes Blackbull Ridge