How Airtightness Can Keep Your Home Mould-Free

When we talk about making homes energy-efficient and healthier, airtightness is something you don’t want to overlook. It might sound technical, but it’s really about keeping your home cosy, dry, and safe from mould. Let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to understand.

Why Airtightness Matters

Airtightness is all about sealing up the little gaps and cracks in your home to keep unwanted air out and the comfortable air in. It’s like making sure you don’t leave the fridge door open—it saves energy and keeps things fresh. But it also does something really important: it helps prevent mould.

How Does Airtightness Prevent Mould?

1. Keeps Moisture Out

When outside air sneaks into your home through cracks, it often brings moisture with it. This moisture can condense on cooler surfaces like walls and windows, creating a perfect spot for mould to grow. By sealing up those leaks, you keep the moisture out, which helps stop mould before it even starts.

2. Helps Insulation Work Better

If your home isn’t airtight, air leaks can make your insulation less effective, causing cold spots. These cold areas are prime spots for condensation, which can lead to mould. With better airtightness, your insulation works properly, keeping your home warm and dry.

3. Allows for Proper Ventilation

Don’t worry—airtight doesn’t mean no fresh air. It just means you control how and when air comes into your home. With systems like heat recovery ventilators (HRVs), you can bring in fresh air without letting in extra moisture, keeping the air quality high and the mould at bay.

What You Can Do

Improving your home’s airtightness isn’t hard. Here are a few simple steps:

●     Seal those leaks: Check around windows, doors, and other openings for gaps and seal them up.

●     Upgrade insulation: Consider using insulation that also helps with airtightness.

●     Use quality building membranes: These act as barriers to keep moisture out while letting your home “breathe” properly.

●     Keep an eye on your ventilation system: Make sure it’s working well to manage indoor air quality and moisture.


Airtightness might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about a healthier home, but it’s crucial. It helps you save energy, keeps your home comfortable and, most importantly, prevents mould. At Zelena Homes, we’re big on airtightness because it means a better, healthier home for you and your family. So next time you think about home improvements, remember that a little airtightness goes a long way in keeping your place mould-free and comfortable.


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